With bad mood, I bought the material in shop. "Oh My God!!" I sighed again, so expensive, one pack of clay costed RM 4.60, luckily the shopkeeper gave me some discount.....
With the helping of my friend, clay is put on my face...... " eeeeeeee, so geli." , but I knew the white substance on my face is very expensive, so just keeping quit...Then, clay was dried by hair drier. The shape was so strange, I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES!! IT LOOKED LIKE THE FACE OF MONKEY!!
I didn't care about and taking my next step- putting a layer of plastic on the clay and put the paper on it layer by layer...Waiting mask to dry was annoying, but when I saw my product, feeling good.
Without wasting my time, I started to colour my mask, it was a hard job for me, because the surface is no flat. But I tried my best to do it already… I was quite satisfied with my product.
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