Our next assignment is produce a tensegrity. What is tensegrity?According to Wikipedia, tensegrity or tension integrity is a type of structure with an integrity based on the balance between compression and tension component. In a tensegrity structure the compressive member are connected with each other by tensile member.

The images that can be found internet. It is really open my eyes.
It is a new thing for us, i find out so many structure in Internet, so amazing!! Of course, more beautiful structure, the more complicated of tensegrity is. So i choose the simplest one , only connected 3 bamboo stick.

The simplest and the most basic structure of tensegrity.
Before i start to construct it, i think it is easy to build, but in fact, it is not easy.I spend about 3 hours to do it, but i really satisfied with my product.
It is OK. right??
So, next time, i would like to challenge the more complicated one with 6 stick structure.

It is quite challenging, right?? Hope that I can success!!
Does anyone sell these models?